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Rehabilitation for Return to Work: the Second Project Study

Rehabilitation for Return to Work: the Second Project Study

Toshihiro Toyonaga
Clinical Research Center for Worker's Rehabilitation, Department of Rehabilitation Kyushu Rosai Hospital,Japan Labour Health and Welfare Organization

The first project study of rehabilitation for return to work (RTW) based on multicenter collaboration by Rosai hospitals had been performed. This study recruited 351 stroke cases and reported the results as follows: 1) the rate of RTW increased to 42.6% until 1 1/2, year post-stroke, and had two peaks at 3 months and 1 1/2, year post-stroke; 2) early RTW (at discharge) was affected by physical disabilities; and 3) support system of medical facilities might attribute on RTW.
The rehabilitation for RTW needs precise and multidimensional approaches from the onset of stoke to chronic phase. However, recent medical systems in Japan have drastically changed, i.e. the concentration of acute hospitals and shortening of length, of stay in hospitals. These changes might prevent the facilitation and support of RTW in stroke patients. Therefore, the stroke patients in working ages would need the RTW coordinators (e.g. medical social workers supporting RTW) who have kept the long stream of support for stroke patients in order to cooperate between medical and occupational rehabilitation.
In the next stage, we would like to plan the second project study of rehabilitation for RTW to examine the predictors of RTW during long-term follow-up period, and also examine the needs of the MSW and support systems for RTW of the disabled stroke cases.

(JJOMT. 58:214―219,2010)